Vindictus Wiki
DevCAT Face (Icon) This article includes content which has been removed from the game.

Some or all of the following content has been removed from Vindictus by Nexon. This item was removed when the Staff Evie Revamp was released.

Healing Rune
Healing Rune
Etc Sell Price: 45 Gold (Icon)
Restriction (Icon) Equippable by Evie only.
Healing rank F.

A rune that allows healing spells to be used. This allows
you to restore your target's HP.
It cannot be used at this time.

Can Be Traded (Icon) This item can be traded.

How to Obtain

Crafted by Brynn after completing Decisive Battle.

Material (Icon) Materials
Gold Coin  Fee: 200 Gold (Icon)

Used in the quest: Skill: Magic Mastery
